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Page 14 of 26 for blogjou | I am happy about any comments, remarks, critics, or discussions. Just send me a mail!


It seems like at least the European CORONA crisis is coming to an end, so I need another socially accepted excuse for never being around anywhere. A blog!

  • I had spent years climbing the ladder of success...

    I had spent years climbing the ladder of success, but it was leaning up the wrong wall.

  • If we try for something that we truly care about...

    If we try for something that we truly care about and then fail to make it happen, won’t we feel more hurt or a bigger failure? That’s what many of us are programmed to believe, but it’s another myth. I’ve never once regretted trying my best, even things didn’t turned out the way I had planned.

  • If, instead, you would have focused on the key things...

    If, instead, you would have focused on the key things that would make you the perfect candidate for this promotion and chosen the one or two areas where you knew you excelled and could add real value to the company, you wouldn’t have been distracted by the fearful talk in your head. You wouldn’t have worried yourself out of trying because you would have focused on thekey things that made you right for the job.

  • And if you do what you do authentically...

    And if you do what you do authentically, then you will automatically navigate your way towards those in your natural tribe […]

  • Understanding the roles of nonstructural carbohydrates in forest trees – from what we can measure to what we want to know


    New isotopic tools allow direct quantification of timescales involved in NSC dynamics, and show that NSC-C fixed years to decades previously is used to support tree functions.

  • Put your own oxygen mask on first

    The next step is to understand what is important to you and your hapiness. This isn’t always as easy as we mght think, because most of us have been conditioned from an early age to ‘know’ what we should and shouldn’t want. If you’re a parent, you’ll appreciate the almost instantaneous guilt you feel the moment you take a second to breathe, let alone take a whole day to yourself. This isn’t about what your parent, partner, friends or children want for you or what they think you should want for yourself. This is about whay you want and what you need to change or stop doing in order to get it. To be the best parent, parter or friend when the plane is going down you need to put your own oxygen mask on first.

  • Dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in terrestrial plants: a global synthesis


    • high NSC sign for oversupply or necessary for survivial or inaccessible?
    • NSC about 10% dry plant biomass, higesht in leaves, lowest in stem
    • strong depletion during growing season
    • high in conifers with relatively high seasonal minimum
    • starch as future reservoir, soluble sugars for immediate functions (osmoregulation)
  • Demonstrating and Evaluating Teaching Proficiency

    SLU guidelines

    • provide support to demonstrate teaching skills or assess them
  • Biodiversity as insurance: from concept to measurement and application


    • biodiversity will make aggreagate ecosystem properties vary less
    • insurance and portfolio theory connected to biodiversity
    • distinction between effects on mean and variability
    • application to ecosystem management
  • Multidimensional tropical forest recovery

    Tropical forests disappear rapidly because of deforestation, yet they have the potential to regrow naturally on abandoned lands. We analyze how 12 forest attributes recover during secondary succession and how their recovery is interrelated using 77 sites across the tropics.