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When you start to focus… | blogjou


When you start to focus...

When you start to focus on the parts of your life and the people who inspire and energize you, you remind yourself of all the good things you already have, rather than constantly being on the search for more. More ‘stuff’ is just a temporary fix; genuine abundance starts with gratitude. If you can take a few minutes each day to remind yourself of all the things in your life you are grateful for, all the opportunities and exciting choices you have, tou automatically begin to focus your life on the things and people that make you happy and bring success. Stop comparing yourself to others and worrying about the things you don’t have - focus on what’s good and how you can prioritize these things and people in your life.

I believe that being happy and successful are interdependent. Once you start doing less of ‘everything’ and more of what you love, your happines will come through your actions every day. Those who thrive make time for what’s important to them. They are fully aware of who and what brings out their happiness, so they prioritize these people and things. They have clear goals and a path to achieve them, but equally they know it won’t all be plain sailing. They embrace fear and have no time for regret.