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Kids used to be able to go online… | blogjou

Edward Snowden

Permanent Record

p. 47

Kids used to be able to go online...

Kids used to be able to go online and say the dumbest things one day without having to be held accountable for them the next. This might not strike you as the healthiest environment in which to grow up, and yet it is the only environment in which you can grow up - by which I mean that the early Internet’s disassociative opportunities actually encouraged me and those of my generation to change our most deeply held opinions, instead of just digging in and defending them when challenged. This ability to reinvent ourselves meant that we never had to close our minds by picking sides, or close ranks out of fear of doing irreparable harm to our reputations. Mistakes that were swiflty punished but swiftly rectified allowed both the community and the “offender” to move on. To me, and to many, this felt like freedom.