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Seth_rogen | blogjou

Seth Rogen

The Wozniaks and the Segways

After about five and a half hours of watching magic shows with the Wozniaksm we headed out of the club toward the valet. We handed our stub to the attendantm but the Wozniaks just kept walking toward the dark parking lot.

How could this happen?

People were asking, “How could this happen?” And unfortunately, the answer is obvious. First, it’s real easy to get your hands on a high-powered assault rifle in America. Combine that with a president who de-stigmatized outward hatred in social-media platforms that allow people to stoke flames of hatred to the point of combustion.

Are you Jew...ish?

It’s not like other religions in that way. Even if you don’t believe in Judaism, you, my friend, are still a Jew. You can’t really opt out of it.