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Page 20 of 26 for blogjou | I am happy about any comments, remarks, critics, or discussions. Just send me a mail!


It seems like at least the European CORONA crisis is coming to an end, so I need another socially accepted excuse for never being around anywhere. A blog!

  • More than a comedian of genius...

    More than a comedian of genius, [Flannery O’Connor] had also the penetrating insight that religion for her countrymen and -women was not the opiate, but rather the poetry of the people.

  • Maupassant has learned...

    Maupassant has learned from his teacher, Flaubert, that “talent is a prolonged patience” at seeing what others tend not to see.

  • We are indeed already in the "inferno of the living"...

    We are indeed already in the “inferno of the living”. We can accept it, and so cease to be conscious of it. But there is a better way, and it might be called the wisdom of Italo Calvo:

  • In major short stories...

    In major short stories, reality becomes fantastic and phantasmagoria becomes disconcertingly mundane. That may be why so many readers, these days, shy away from volumes of stories, and purchase novels instead, even when the stories are of much higher quality.

  • Frank O'Connor, who disliked Hemmingway...

    Frank O’Connor, who disliked Hemmingway as much as he liked Chekhov, remarks in The Lonely Voice that Hemmingway’s stories “illustrate a technique in search of a subject,” and therefore become a “minor art.”

  • Calculating the effective permeability of sandstone with multiscale lattice Boltzmann/finite element simulations

    When scaling up from microscale to macroscale, often one is not interested in a single global value such as a mean only, but rather in the variation of a continuum variable. The authors define a representative elementary volume (REV) at the microstate-macrostate boundary. Inside the REVs, a lattice Boltzmann (LB) method is used to compute the microdynamics. The result per REV is then used on global scale to solve global dynamics by a finite elements (FE) method.

  • Quantifying entropy using recurrence matrix microstates

    The authors introduce a complexity measure for nonlinear time series data that bases on the reccurence plot (RP) and the Shannon information entropy of its microstates. This complexity measure is easy and efficient to compute and approximates the maximum Lyapunov exponent of the data. It can also be used to discriminate between deterministic, chaotic, and stochastic data.

  • Information partititioning into synergistic, unique, and redundant components

    I would like to explain how the partitioning of mutual information into synergistic, unique, and redundant components works. This is a short summary of Section 2 in Temporal information partitioning: Characterizing synergy, uniqueness, and redundancy in interacting environmental variables.

  • Equifinality or why $x\neq 5$


  • Gestaltungsmächtig geben wir uns der Ohnmacht hin...

    Gestaltungsmächtig geben wir uns der Ohnmacht hin, Panik ist unser Normalzustand. In anderen Regionen der Welt, die von Armut, Bürgerkriegen und Naturkatastrophen geschüttelt werden, reden die Menschen von Aufbruch und Zusammenrücken. In Europa, im Westen, reden wir von Spaltung und Ende.